Monday, March 14, 2011


Rebuilding your original splash shields is an awful lot of work being that if you spend around $30 more you can just buy new ones. However this does not fit with in everyone's budget, including mine. So you first start out by getting off all the undercoating. Then you tear out your old rubber and staples. A screwdriver works well for this. You then strip and/or prep and paint your shields. I chose Zero Rust. After it's cured and ready to be handled it's time to staple on the rubber pieces. This is where I've read in a Mustang message board that several people were irritated at the process, so while I was doing mine I decided to illustrate the simple steps to help somebody out if needed. Here goes...

First you get a sharp pic tool and enlarge the staple holes a tad. Then you tape your rubber piece to the shield so it stays aligned. You next use your sharp pic tool and mark your staple holes on your rubber.


It probably won't penetrate all the way through unless you have a real sharp tool or you enlarged your holes too much.


Since the mark didn't go thru the rubber I have to fold over the rubber piece and finish my hole. I then insert my staple into the holes and rubber


I then hold the staple tight to the rubber with my finger and squeeze it with channel locks. This starts the bend and does all the work. You then flatten them with a plastic tool so you don't mar your paint, and again your finger is holding the staple tight til it's seated firmly.



Then do the next one and keep going. If you do it this way you'll have no worries about the holes not matching or rubber bunching up.

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